Teaching Online: International School for Optoelectronic Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences)


Due to the recent Novel Coronavirus epidemic control and disease prevention, many educational institutions in People’s Republic of China has faced lot of difficulties in continuing the teaching and other administration work. The International School for Optoelectronic Engineering is an embryonic engineering school at Qilu University of Technology, Jinan, China. Keeping in view the current epidemic control and disease prevention measures, the Deputy Dean Prof. Xianghe Ren and other teachers in International School for Optoelectronic Engineering decided to keep teaching online for the students enrolled in our school to avoid delay in the academic session.

In order to keep moving forward and continue the teaching and administration work, Prof. Xianghe Ren communicated with all the staff of the school to keep working online (both teaching and administration work). All the Chinese and Foreign teachers in International School for Optoelectronic Engineering have already begun to teach online their respective courses. Every teacher is performing their duties on regular basis and trying level best to facilitate the students with online teaching materials for avoiding break in the academic session. The school teachers and students are in contact with each other through group discussion in WeChat and QQ to help each other solve academic problems and handle the difficulties. Every teacher is performing duties actively.

The International School for Optoelectronic Engineering began to work online from 2020-02-17. The teachers are following their respective syllabus and teaching material as advised for each course. The online teaching include video conference call through QQ and other Chinese platform in which the teacher shares the screen through remote access and teach the students. One of the online lecture of the foreign teacher named Dr. Majid Khan held on 2020-02-26 which was his first lecture on Mechanics course for 2019 undergraduate students enrolled in the school. The photos 1-4 show the method adopted by the teachers to deliver the online lecture.

The teachers in International School for Optoelectronic Engineering are committed to excellence, proficiency and hard work. The communication method in online teaching include video conference call in which all students can participate, remote access to teacher’s computer to see the power point presentation, graphical representation of the scientific phenomenon (similar to drawing on white/green board with chalk as performed in the class room), speech following the stepwise lecture in the power point (PPT), art work, mathematical equations solved by hands, and question answer session by students and teacher.

In Photo 1, the foreign teacher is connected on online video conference call to start the lecture and take the attendance of all the student and introduce himself.

Photo 1: Online introductory lecture on Mechanics course.

Photo 2: Graphical representation (same as working on green/white board) using software tools to draw the real situations

To facilitate the students for getting in-depth knowledge about the course, it is important to show graphical representation of a phenomenon. In the photo 2, the teacher is trying to draw the atomic model in a software to let the students understand deeply.

Photo 3: Handwritten solving basic numerical problem in Classical Mechanics.

Photo 4: The lecture lasted for 90 minutes, all the students participated and listen to the lecture carefully.

The teachers in International School for Optoelectronic Engineering are mostly teaching the courses in English to provide the students and international platform. The students were asked about the feedback of the teaching online to know how much they feel satisfied and understand the lecture. The overall students’ response was satisfactory.

The students were asked their response about the teaching method and whether they understand the lectures online or not. The students response was quite good and most of them said they are “very satisfied”.

We appreciate the efforts of Prof. Xianghe Ren and other teachers for cooperative and good team work. We will continue our efforts to strengthen the school in both teaching and research. We hope the current coronavirus issues are resolved soon to begin regular work and perform duties more efficiently.