李奎龙, 男,副教授,硕士生导师,2014年于中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所获得微电子学与固体电子学博士学位,现就职于齐鲁工业大学光电工程国际化学院,长期从事半导体材料与器件研究工作,主要涉及新型二维材料的光电性能探究,低维光电探测器与晶体管,Ⅲ-Ⅴ族GaAs/InP基半导体及其光电器件的制备、表征分析和性能调控探究。主持承担国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、校(院)科教产融合试点工程基础研究类项目-培优基金等多项科研项目。近五年来以第一作者或者通讯作者在Applied Physics Letters、Photonics Research、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Materiomics、Applied Surface Science、Journal of Alloys and Compounds等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利4项,担任Nature Photonics、IEEE Electron Device Letters、Optic Express等知名期刊审稿人。独立指导本科生开展国家级大学生创新创业训练计划二项,一项结题优秀,指导本科生竞赛获得省级以上奖励十余项,目前指导研究生二名,一人获得国家奖学金,指导本科生一人获校优秀学士论文。
1. W. J. Wang, Y. R. Sun, P. Dai, H. L. Gao, C. H. Du, and K. L. Li*. Optical anisotropy and polarization selectivity in MoS2/Ta2NiSe5 van der Waals heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters. 122, 233101 (2023).
2. K. L. Li*, C. H. Du, H. L. Gao, T. H. Yin, L. Y. Zheng, J. C. Leng, and W. J. Wang*, Ultrafast and Polarization-Sensitive ReS2/ReSe2 Heterostructure Photodetectors with Ambipolar Photoresponse. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 14(29), 33589–33597 (2022).
3. K. L. Li*, C. H. Du, H. L. Gao, T. H. Yin, Y. K. Yu, and W. J. Wang*, Ultra-fast and linear polarization-sensitive photodetectors based on ReSe2/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructures. Journal of Materiomics. 8, 1158-1164 (2022).
4. C. H. Du, H. L. Gao, W. T. Du, J. F. Li, J. C. Leng, K. L. Li*, and W. J. Wang*, High responsivity and broadband polarized photodetectors based on InSe/ReSe2 van der Waals heterostructures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 919, 165586 (2022).
5. H. L. Gao, C. H. Du, L. J. Chen, W. J. Wang*, and K. L. Li*, Van der Waals MoS2/PdSe2 Heterostructures Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition for Broadband and Polarized Photodetection. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 2102350 (2022).
6. K. L. Li*, W. J. Wang*, J. F. Li, W. X. Jiang, M. Feng, and Y. He, High-responsivity, self-driven photodetectors based on monolayer WS2/GaAs heterojunction, Photonics Research, 8, 1368 (2020).
7. K. L. Li, W. J. Wang, Effects of substrates on the optical properties of monolayer WS2. Journal of Crystal Growth, 540, 125645 (2020).
8. K. L. Li*, T. Y. Wang, W. J. Wang*, and X. G. Gao, Lattice vibration properties of MoS2/PtSe2 heterostructures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 820, 153192 (2020).
9. K. L. Li*, W. J. Wang*, J. C. Leng, B. X. Sun, D. K. Li, H. Yang, T. F. Jiang, and Y. He, Carrier dynamics in monolayer WS2/GaAs heterostructures. Applied Surface Science, 500, 144005 (2020).
10. W. J. Wang*, K. L. Li*, Y. Wang, W. X. Jiang, X. Y. Liu, and H. Qi, Investigation of the band alignment at MoS2/PtSe2 heterojunctions. Applied Physics Letters, 114, 201601 (2019).
11. X. K. Liu, K. L. Li*, X. J. Sun, Z. M. Shi, Z. H. Huang, Z. W. Li, L, Min, V. T. Botcha, X. Y. Chen, X. F. Xu, D. B. Li, Modified band alignment at multilayer MoS2/Al2O3 heterojunctions by nitridation treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 793, 599-603 (2019).
12. K. L. Li*, W. J. Wang, Q. Wang, and J. C. Leng, Strain relaxation comparison of GaInP and AlInAs metamorphic buffers grown on GaAs substrates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 768, 74-80 (2018).
13. K. L. Li, and W. J. Wang*, Improved quality of In0.30Ga0.70As layers grown on GaAs substrates using undulating step-graded GaInP buffers, Journal of Crystal Growth, 496-497, 31-35 (2018).
14. Jie Huang, Yurun Sun, Yogming Zhao, Shuzhen Yu, Kuilong Li*, Jianrong Dong, Jiping Xue, Chi Xue, and Yang Ye. Characterizations of high-voltage vertically-stacked GaAs laser power converter.Journal of Semiconductors,39, 094006 (2018).
15. X. K. Liu*, C. Hu, K. L. Li*, W. J. Wang, Z. W. Li, J. P. Ao, J. Wu, W. He, W. Mao, Q. Liu, W. J. Yu, and R. J. Chung, Investigation of the energy band at the molybdenum disulfide and ZrO2 heterojunctions, Nanoscale Research Letters, 13, 405 (2018). Y. M. Zhao, J. Huang, Y. R. Sun, S. Z. Yu, K. L. Li*, and J. R. Dong*, Influence of growth conditions on the quality of strained InAlGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells grown by MOCVD, Applied Physics A, 125, 117 (2019). (2019.02)
16. K. L. Li, Z. W. Li, Y. H. Hong, C. Hu, W. Mao, and X. K. Liu*, Investigation of CHF3 treatment on the energy band at the MoS2/HfZrO4 heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 143506 (2018).
17. K. L. Li, Y. H. Hong, Z. W. Li, and X. K. Liu*, Thermal property engineering of InSe layer by a thin Al2O3 stress liner, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 021903 (2018).
18. K. L. Li, K. W. Ang, Y. M. Lv, and X. K. Liu*, Effects of Al2O3 capping layers on the thermal properties of thin black phosphorus, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 261901 (2016).
19. 李奎龙,董建荣,陆书龙,赵勇明,杨辉,基于晶片键合的三结太阳能电池及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201110082967.5.
20. 李奎龙,董建荣,陆书龙,赵勇明,于淑珍,杨辉,GaInP/GaAs/InGaAsP/InGaAs四结级联太阳电池及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201110235554.6.
21. 李奎龙,董建荣,赵勇明,孙雨润,于淑珍,杨辉,倒装GaInP/GaAs/Ge/Ge四结太阳电池及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201210249532.X.
22. 刘新科,李奎龙,何佳铸,陈乐,何祝兵,俞文杰,吕有明,韩舜,曹培江,柳文君,曾玉祥,贾芳,朱德亮,洪家伟,一种GaN-MoS2分波段探测器及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201610489139.6