学术报告-俄罗斯南方联邦大学POLYAKOV Vadim


报告人:POLYAKOV Vadim

报告时间:2023.11.02  1600-1630



The report defines epidermal sensors, describes various types of epidermal sensors for monitoring human health. The evolution of electronic skin is given. The advantages and disadvantages of manufacturing epidermal sensors using microelectronic technology and using 3D printing are discussed. The results of studies of samples provided by Professor Yaodong Yang (Qilu University of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering) are presented. The results of our own development and manufacture of some epidermal sensors are also presented. Proposals for cooperation have been formulated.


Institute: Southern Federal University, Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering.

Title: Associate professor

SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS’: Micro- and nanoelectronics technology. Non-invasive control methods. Biomedical micro- and nanotechnologies.

Author (or co-author) of more than 100 publications and 7 monographs, 9 patents.

Participant and leader of projects supported by RFBR and RNF grants. Participant of applied projects in Russia.

From 2002 to 2014 Deputy Dean for scientific work of the Faculty of Electronics and Engineering Equipment, Taganrog State Radio Engineering University. From 2014 to 2017 Head of the Department of Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering.

Since 2008 Director of the Nanotechnology Center for collective use of the Southern Federal University. Since 2014, deputy Director of the Scientific and Educational Center Nanotechnologies of the Southern Federal University

Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Expert of the State Directorate of target scientific and technical program.

Professor of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences. Member of the Russian Scientific and Technical Vacuum Society. Member of the Russian Nanotechnological Society. Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.