

报告题目:Semiconductor nanostructure lasers from quantum dot to 2D photonic crystal

报告人:祁锦云 台湾中兴大学

报告时间:2023.10.19  1430-1530



Semiconductor lasers have made profound impacts on almost all aspects of human life.  Their gain media has changed from 3D heterostructure to 0D quantum dots. The light emission direction, depending on the orientation of the cavity, can be either in-plane (edge emitting) or out-of-plane (VCSELs) of the wafer surface.  Recently, photonic crystal structure has introduced a 2D distributive feedback cavity which shows promise to revolutionize the performance and cost of high power lasers. During the talk I will illustrate these advances from personal perspective.


祁锦云,美国麻省理工学院博士,台湾国立中兴大学教授,光电工程研究所所长;美国PolaroidAMP/MACOM公司资深首席工程师,Verizon公司GTE Labs高级研发人员,AT&T Bell Labs(贝尔实验室)骨干研发人员。拥有40余年国际光电及电子材料及器件研究经验,包括:砷化镓(GaAs)ⅢI-V分子束外延、大功率半导体激光器(high power LD)、氮化镓(GaN)半导体发光二极管(LED)和激光器(LD)、量子点面射型激光等。曾主持和参与多项中国台湾、美国科技公司项目,是20多个研究项目的主持人、分项目负责人,项目金额超过2000万美元。多次在国际会议上作学术报告及主持国际合作项目。多次引进俄美顶尖激光技术团队,以及多次组织与产业界的合作项目。